[Sky] - Sanghyeon Month with Korean subtitles
Original :: sm21360174
'KAITO v3'- 上弦の月
Tweet :: @eg7er
YouTube:: https://youtu.be/pcNYzq66x3I
Singer: Sky(@eg7er)
Mix : Fail(@offical_mail) ‏
PV: MindControl (@Mind030826)
Illust : OLOH(@OLOH_art)
Chourus Guide: Fail(@offical_pail)
* Comment
It's Sky's capitalist slave, Fail. Loyalty ^^7
I feel like I've been working on my own song for a long time. Thank you for joining us.
He's Scar...This. ᄂ
It was fun to be part of John's work. ^ ^
Hello!! It's Skye!
It's been a long time since I saw you!
This song is Sanghyun's month.
I'm so glad you're here. I'm so happy.
Please listen carefully.
I'm going to sing this song live at the Sky Festival, which I'm going to hold in February next year.Larger
Thank you for always listening!
Thank you for your listing :)
I'd like to ask you for a song request in the over-the-counter.
Thank you for Subscribe!
I'd like you to sign up for me. Thank you, XD.
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